Solutions we provide
Security Solutions
Access Control Solutions
Pertaining to the growing demand and security concerns, access control has always been vital for every organization.
Time Attendance Solutions
Manual attendance marking and estimation leads to the expenditure of time and cost of the organizations.
IP Surveillance Solutions
IP surveillance means communicate using the IP for the storage, transmission and networking of surveillance images.
Intrusion Alarm System
UAL offers you this solution to protect your assets and your personnel with reliable and durable intrusion alarm systems.
Perimeter Alarm System
Perimeter Intrusion Detection System mainly used to detect, locate, and classify vibrations caused by physical activity.
Infrastructure Monitoring System - IMS
Infrastructural threats in your IT room & server room can cause a lot more damage than hardware or software problems.
Parking Management System / Vehicle Barrier
Car Parking barrier systems are ideal for controlled and safe passage of vehicles which enter to and exit from parking lots.
Turnstile Barrier System
Turnstile Barrier System is a unique solution that robustly used in access management system.
Metal Scanning Solutions
Metal detector systems and baggage scanners are one of the major components of any security solution in highly secured premise.
Security Accessories
Safety Solutions
Fire Detection System
A fire alarm system has a number of devices working together to detect and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present.
Fire Protection System
Fire protection is the study and practice of mitigating the unwanted effects of potentially destructive fires.
Public Address (PA) System
Public address system (PA system) is an electronic system comprising microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and related equipment.
Video Conference Solutions
Videoconferencing means to conduct a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data.
Integrations & Automations
Building Management System – BMS
A BMS consists of software programs, usually configured in a hierarchical manner, can be proprietary, using such protocols as C-Bus, Profibus, and so on.
Building Energy Management System – BEMS
Managing the energy and other needs in buildings efficiently and intelligently can have considerable benefits.
Fire Automations
Integrating fire alarm systems with building automation systems can result in many economic and operational benefits.
Industrial Automations
Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance.
IT Infrastructure Solutions
Data Center Physical Infrastructure Solutions
Nowadays, Data Center becomes the heart of business continuity. Allows you to get access to any of your business information.
IT Power Solutions
UPS: To avoid downtime, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) is must for any mission critical facility. AVR: Disturbance in electrical supply voltage is very common.
IT Cooling Solutions
Traditional cooling system (comfort/split cooling) is not smart enough to understand and deliver cooling requirement for your data center/server room.
We're Here To Help!
House# 9, Road# 2, Block# A
Mirpur# 2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Mirpur# 2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
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Phone: +880-2- 9033063
Mobile : +88 01712 192271
Mobile : +88 01712 192271